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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Christus LiveWell Women's Conference THIS SAT! (DTEFM NEXT SAT!)

Welcome BACK!!!!! WE HAVE SOME NEW NEWS!!!!!
 THIS SATURDAY, MAY 9, 2015, 7:30AM-4:30PM: Chrystal (Cave-Momma) Lundy will be one of the guest speakers at the 8th Annual Christus LiveWell Women's Conference at Ford Park Arena in Beaumont, Tx (along with keynote speakers: Giuliana Rancic & Bill Rancic).
 The conference includes a full day of inspiring and educational workshop sessions designed to empower women to improve their physical, spiritual and mental health. The event also includes free health screenings, a fabulous Market Square shopping area (WHERE CAVE-MOMMA & FERAL CHILD WILL HAVE A BOOTH!! 60 vendors total), presentations by physicians and seminars on the latest issues in health & wellness.

Let me just take a second to say how VERY PROUD I AM OF MY SISTER, CHRYSTAL.
She has a full time job, is raising 2 precious little boys, cooks for long hours at a time for her family & also to contribute to her local farmer's market, AND TO TOP IT OFF, she attends events like Paleo F(x) to further educate herself, her family, and her community on how digging back to our roots & eating the way our ancestors did will help prevent and help us recover from modern-day disease and discomfort.
What an inspirational person to look up to! Thank you for that, Chopey, & happy early Mother's Day!
P.S. I'm very proud of you, too, Jodi! :)

*Since the girls will be busy at the Women's Conference, they will not be attending the Down To Earth Farmer's Market this Saturday (MAY 9TH).
They will, however, be back to market the following SATURDAY, MAY 16TH.
So go ahead & place your orders to be ready for pick-up on May 16th!

In addition to using the hashtag: #LiveWell2015 ,
PLEASE ALSO USE: #ISeeYouCaveMomma & #ISeeYouFeralChild
anytime you see Chrystal & Jodi!

As for those of you not attending the seminar, you can still use these hashtags anytime you see the girls at the farmer's market & what-not!

Ya'll please stay tuned, there is soooooo much in store for CMQFCHQ's future!!! ^_^

Peace, Love, & REAL FOOD!
Jessi, Cave-Momma & Feral Child

Friday, March 20, 2015

Come Rain or Shine...

Welcome back to CMQFCHQ (Cave-Momma's Quest & Feral Child Headquarters)!
It has been a hot minute since I have posted an update on this blog AND since my sisters (Chrystal & Jodi) have been to the Down To Earth Farmer's Market in Nederland, Tx. 
Well, I'm happy to inform you that the girls will be at the market TOMORROW (3/21/15)!
The girls were hoping for nicer weather to return to, but hey, what can you do when Mother Nature decides her flowers need some last minute rain?
You suck it up & have the farmer's market indoors, that's what!
It's not a big deal, really, because you know, it has rained before. :P

Anyway, we are so excited that spring is around the corner! 
I don't know about the rest of you allergy sufferers, but I know that now (since Spring is literally in the air) is the most critical time for me to "amp up" my game on my bone broth & natural, raw honey intake. 
Speaking of which, Chrystal (Cave-Momma) wanted me to remind ya'll of the importance of natural, homemade chicken broth and the health benefits of consuming it daily.
  • Bone broth contains valuable minerals (calcium, glucosamine, silicon, magnesium) in a form your body can easily absorb & use. 
  • The gelatin found in bone broth attracts & holds digestive juices, supporting proper digestion.
  • Consuming broth daily inhibits infection caused by cold & flu viruses & fights inflammation.
You can make your very own bone broth by googling a recipe or you can skip the lengthy process (flavorful broth takes roughly 24 hours to make) & order some from Cave-Momma's Quest & Feral Child tomorrow, Saturday, Mar. 21st at the market...or online now to pick up next weekend. ;)
I, by no means, am a morning person & neither are my two sisters.
But I hope (for your sake) that you make it out there because Jodi (Feral Child) has a special "snacky surprise" this weekend! 
How does Lemon-Poppyseed Paleo Bread grab you?
(Cave-Momma's chicks in the background)

In other news, 
  • Cave-Momma's Quest & Feral Child have been asked to cater a wedding reception this weekend! Their dear friend, Desiree, is throwing a 40's themed reception Saturday night in an airport hanger! They are delighted and honored to have been asked in the first place. (If you are interested in hiring them to cater an event you can email Chrystal at )
  • In May, Feral Child & I will have the pleasure of serving food to the Crossfit Competitors & their guests in Pleasure Island, TX. 
  • That same day, Cave-Momma has been asked to speak at the Christus Well-Women's go, girl, you GO!!!
As always, order your yummy/healthy/paleo/REAL food from CAVE-MOMMA & FERAL CHILD.
Here is the online order form:

Annnnnnd that's about all I have to say about that. :)
Peace, Love, & Real Food!
Cave-Momma, feral child & the other sister Jessi

Monday, February 16, 2015

Hey! It's me!

Hey there, friends! It's me, Chrystal, making you take a break in your regularly scheduled after-lunch nap! Wake up! We've got some things to talk about, so pour us some coffee, would ya!? Thanks, that's better...
Sooooo, what's newwww? ::feet on desk and mug in hand:: all of that is fascinating! I'm intrigued! Tell me more!
Oh about me!? Well, let's see....where to start....
There's a lot going on around these parts, business wise, family wise, crap-to-do wise! 
To be frank, I'm not sleeping well. Ya see? I'm missing this lady right here, somethin awful. 
This is our momma, and she passed away November 10. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her, instinctively go to text her something funny, wish I could hear her voice, and just wish I could feel one of her momma hugs. Right now, we are atill handling the state of her affairs, figuring out what to do with the contents of her estate (garage sales coming soon), and trying to get things divvied up. It's very surreal and sad and emotional to talk about, has to get done. So, we will be very busy in all of our copious amounts of spare time (haha) in the coming weeks, trying to get things squared away and in order. Simultaneously, we are trying to get Jodi (this girl and my paaaahdnah) 
ready to move as well. Ya see!? She bought a 1965 airstream a few weeks ago and will be moving into her tiny house as soon as possible! 
Ain't she a beaut!? Just wait, she's going to be stunning!
Paring down possessions, living simply, owning it outright!? Who couldn't stand to do that anyway!? It's going to be amazing and we are having a ball thinking of all the design possibilities! Clawfoot tub in an airstream!? YES, PLEASE! 
Stay tuned for the progress on that project, as it's moving fairly quickly! 
In other news, business wise, we've added a couple new goodies to the CMQFC line up! Jodi whipped up and instant favorite, chocolate raspberry date bars, and we can't even keep them in stock, they're going WAY too fast!! For only $1 a bar?! Can you say "throw me a fiver!"?!?! A nice addition to breakfast or a great snack mid afternoon, or whenever you feel the need, it's healthy, it's tasty, and you won't feel guilty or crappy after you eat it! 
Here's our girls at the farmers market this weekend. 
It really is hard to get much better! Pair it with a hot latte and your afternoon is complete!
A week behind this new lady, comes our newest guy, the spicy ranch cashew! A last minute creation, as many of our experiments are, this one worked out well on the first try! A little ranchy, and a tiny spicy kick, these add a nice savory side to our menu of goodies! They're delicious and portioned out just right for those of us who are of the mindless eater variety! Lol! I'm one too, don't worry!! Try these for your road trips or on the way to the gym! 

Worth every savory calorie, nutrient dense, and flavorful! Stay tuned guys, this fella is goin places!!
We are also throwing around the idea of some new creations, like dressings and marinades, as well as some other savory nut/seed mixtures, too! We can't be ALL sweet, can we!? ;) 
We love working hard for you guys, and couldn't be more thankful! Business is growing, and hopefully we will have some awesome news for y'all soon! I know you're on pins and needles! Lol! 
What else is new? Well, I'm working on some labeling for our products while Jodi works on logo design and new foods, and jessi is working on branding and merchandising, all the while, she is our go to girl for invoicing and order taking and basically all our office type needs! Stuff she can do while living hours away! We are hoping she'll be able to come home and take some headshots for us soon, since she IS the family photographer and all! Didn't know that!? Well now you do! Put her to work! ;)
I'm steadily crunching numbers on the side. We've got some really awesome goals we want to meet this year, and I think with your help, we can get there! Can't give away all our secrets yet, but know it involves a huge leap, awesome food, and you seeing us far more often!! Until then, order your favorite goodies every week, and you're helping is get to our goals directly!! We've met our weekly goals every week this year thus far, and have no plans on slowing down! Can you tell we love what we do?? I hope so! It's all your fault! Lol!
Anywho, that's all for now, kids, now get back to work! Don't let me catch you with your light off! Meeting adjourned!!
Cave-momma and Feral Child. #thankful

Friday, February 6, 2015

Weeks 4-6 : Change Is In The Air

Hey Everyone!
Welcome back to the Cave-Momma's Quest & Feral Child Headquarters' (CMQFCHQ) BLOG!

January was a wonderful, productive month for the girls.
They did an amazing job at keeping up with the demand for their products...even though it wasn't easy.
With more and more orders coming in daily, the girls started to see the potential for growth in this business.
The order form that I implemented at the beginning of the year, has given us amazing feedback.

We've learned that MOST EVERYONE is interested in:
  • A Buyer's Club (where we sell breakfasts, lunches, & dinners in a meal plan).
  • Seeing a CMQFCHQ Food Truck in MidCounty/Jefferson County, Tx
  • Participating in Educational Food Classes.
  • Sharing CMQFCHQ with their friends & family
  • Bookmarking the order form for quicker/easier access to REAL food
  • Enrolling in the email list to stay up-to-date with CMQFCHQ in the future.
After receiving all of that input, we are seriously racking our brains at coming up with some wonderful new ventures for the future. Nothing is set in stone, but no one can stop us from dreaming. :)

I, Jessi, got an opportunity to assist my sisters, Cave-Momma & Feral Child at the Down To Earth Farmer's Market on Saturday (Jan. 24th) and it was SO refreshing to see the wonderful response from their customers. Everyone seems to enjoy their orders and keep coming back weekly for more.
Chrystal & Jodi love what they do and it really shows in the final product.
(Me, Feral Child, & Cave-Momma)

(Cave-Momma & Feral Child @ D.T.E.'s Farmer's Market)

Here are some of the other local vendors that attend the market:

(you can click the pics above to be directed to their facebook pages)

Oh, don't let me forget to tell you about our NEW CMQFCHQ NEWS! :)
(they were a seasonal item & MIIIIGHT be back next winter.)
HOWEVER, in it's place is Feral Child's NEW Date Bars for $1/each!

(Chocolate Raspberry/Gluten Free/Whole30 Approved)

If interested in ordering the Chocolate Raspberry Date Bars or any of C.M.Q.F.C.'s products you can do so by clicking the following link:

People are RAVING about these little babies!
In the last 3 days, we've received orders for up to 36 date bars! WOWZA!

Feral Child also creates her legendary Oh.Oh.Mayo that is seriously So.So.Goooood!! 

I've been sworn to secrecy, though, until all of the wrinkles are ironed out.
I guess it's, at least, safe for me to say this: the girls (CM & FC) are very close to making this food business a full-time enterprise. We are working on branding & brainstorming, so PLEASE STAY TUNED & KEEP CHECKING BACK HERE WEEKLY!

If you're in Nederland,TX tomorrow, Saturday, Feb. 7, 2015, head over to the Down To Earth Farmer's Market to support your local businesses & enjoy the wonderful weather!

order your goodies through the online order form & we will SHIP THEM TO YOU! :)
(Currently unable to ship the Bone Broth, Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette, & Olive Oil Mayo...but with 12 other items that can be shipped, you've still got plenty to choose from.)

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE! Thank you for reading & have a wonderful weekend!

Peace, Love & Real Food,
Cave-Momma's Quest, Feral Child, & the blogging B*

Friday, January 9, 2015

Week 2 Review

What an awesome week the girls have had! I tell you, hhhhhhwhat!
As previously mentioned in last week's blog: Cave-Momma & Feral Child attended the Down To Earth Farmer's Market last Saturday. Though the temperature had suddenly dropped & they couldn't have it outside, they still had plenty of people that came out to see them & make it worth their while.
(Pictured Above: Cave-Momma Selling Food @ The Market)
(Cave-Momma's son, Aythen, & Feral Child Selling Food @ The Market)

Last Tuesday, Cave-Momma was a busy little bee:
She had to work her regular 9-5 job, stop by & ship some goodies to our cousin, Cne' (Alvin, Tx), & our dear friend, Jamie (Houston, Tx);  & drop off some pre-orders to her MidCounty followers.

Cne' had some beautiful words to share & it's on the side of this blog, along with some praise from some of their other SWEET-AS-CAN-BE customers under the "Our Customers Showing Us Love" section.

Jamie loved her order SO MUCH, she instagrammed about it:

With the new addition of the Online Order Form, we've seen an increase in demand for the girls' products.

We're learning so much!
We learned, for example, that ALL EXCEPT 1 of our clients is interested in being "kept in the loop"! :)

As for EVERYONE ELSE who is interested... when you fill out the online order form & say either "yes, absolutely OR um, I guess", I have been adding you to the email list.

You will then need to:

  1. Open the email to "complete the subscription process"
  2. Click the link in that particular email &'re done.
After that, every time that Cave-Momma, Feral Child or I updates THIS BLOG, you will be notified via email.

Let's say you're not interested in ordering something right now, but you ARE interested in signing up for the email list? That's easy, just look to the side of the blog for that little section to add your email address. And then follow steps 1 thru 2.

OH YEAAAA, speaking of new products & info,  I CAN'T FORGET TO TELL YOU: 
Cave-Momma's Quest/Feral Child are selling 2 NEW PRODUCTS that were just introduced YESTERDAY, thanks to a special request from one of our customers. 
Those two items are....drum roll, please....
  1. Cajun Seasoning (4 oz jar/ $5)
  2. Chili Seasoning  (4 oz jar/ $5)
Same amount & price as their other popular items:

  • Dry Taco Seasoning
  • Onion Soup Mix
  • Ranch Mix

Here's a list of the 
Week 2: Top Items Sold
1st PLACE:
 Bone Broth (for the 2nd Week in a row)

2nd PLACE:
 Jodi (Feral Child's) OLIVE OIL MAYO
(Feral Child's original concoction uses only the best/most-simple ingredients.)
Warning: The afore mentioned mayo, has been known to turn mayo-haters into mayo-lovers.

3rd Place:
 Salted Caramel Grain-Free Granola
Rumor has it that this gem is seasonal & won't remain on the menu forever, so go ahead & snag a bag while you still can! 
Or get a bag of the: 
  • Honey/Cinnamon Grain-Free Granola
  • Maple Bacon Grain-Free Granola (my personal fave.)

"Heaven in my mouth" is an accurate statement referring to the granola, Jamie. I concur. 
That & the gumbo roux, woooooooh! Paleo Gumbo es muy delicioso!

Well, I'm off to get some more work completed.
If you have any questions, please email Cave-Momma @
If you want to order some food you can do so here:

P.S. Don't Forget, the girls can ship everything except the Mayo & Bone Broth!
Happy Shopping/Eating/Sharing!

Peace, Love, and REAL FOOD,

 Cave-Momma, feral child, & the blogging B*

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

I'm not a good blogger....

Attention: I may be a fantastic attentive facebooker (much to my own dismay, sometimes), but I'm no blogger. I forget it exists, I don't think I have enough worth saying, and sometimes, I just have the attention span of a gnat. So. When my sister, Jessi, decided it needed to be kept up with, she also volunteered to be the one that keeps up with it! Jodi (Feral Child), and myself have taken Jessi on as our CMQ/FC HQ office executive, bookkeeper, bloggess, as well as generally keeping us in line. She's phenomenal, and thanks to her help, drive, and fortitude, our first official FORMAL week of sales was nothing short of amazing!! The order form is easy, concrete, and makes keeping our production numbers that much more accurate! I just wanted to post this as a thank you to her. We love you, so very much, Jess! And we couldn't be more thankful for all you've already done!! Sorry, friends, she's all ours!!! 😘😘😘

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Week 1 Review

Hey guys!
My name is Jessi. 
I'm one of Chrystal's (Cave-Momma's Quest) younger sisters.
We are part of a trio, actually, my twin sister's name is Jodi. (Feral Child).

It may not look like it in the picture, but with the new year, we decided to get serious about all of our we are going to accomplish these dreams and how we can be of assistance to eachother. One of the ways that I can be of assistance to Cave-Momma & Feral Child is to NOT NEGLECT this blog.

Therefore, most of the posts from here on out will be from me, EVERY WEEKEND, about my wonderful sisters & the waves they are making in Jefferson & Orange County, Texas. 
Through social networking, the Farmer's Markets, & "word of mouth" they are teaching a lifestyle change that revolves around...well, not eating junk, basically.

In case you're wondering, we're talking about the Paleo & Primal Lifestyle.
It's much more than just a "fad" diet. It's realizing that our health is a DIRECT REFLECTION of the foods we eat. They either help us or hurt us. And everyone is different but our family has switched over to this lifestyle & we're never looking back. I can't tell you how we look b/c that would sound vain, but WE FEEL AMAZING! No more migraines, seasonal allergy attacks, inflammation/swelling, getting sick. Period. 

Hope everyone is cool with that. Moving on...

Organization is key in 2015 (that kind of rhymes) so I decided to create an Order Form for Cave-Momma & Feral Child's Customers to fill out when they need something.
You can click the words "ORDER FORM" or you can click this link:

  1. Save/Bookmark the order form link on your phone/IPAD/computer for future reference.
  2. Share it with your friends & family so they might be able to order some yummy foods.
  3. Save/Bookmark this blog too, so that keeping up with the girls isn't difficult.
Anyway, here are the wonderful things you can currently purchase from my sisters:

I have tried EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE ITEMS & can attest that each is wonderful.


They have 2 drop off spots that you can choose from & can ship anything but bone broth or mayo.

One of which is this quaint/local Farmer's Market at Down To Earth in Nederland, TX on Saturdays 10am - 1pm. 

They were there today, in fact!

Lastly, I'm happy to announce that Cave-Momma's Quest & Feral Child's customer base has grown just in the one week since we've started taking orders via the online ORDER FORM.
Not only has it made ordering so much simpler, but it has also provided us with some helpful information that will help us narrow down our customer's likes/dislikes.

During Week 1, we've learned:
  • The Most Popular Item Sold is the BONE BROTH! (Bone Broth is a natural healer of all ailments. It helps us strengthen our immune system, joints, & bones with all the gelatinous goodness!)
  • 3 way tie for 2nd Place: Olive Oil Mayo, Salted Caramel Sauce, & the Salted Caramel Grain-Free Granola! Jodi (Feral Child)'s Olive Oil Mayo is seriously OUTTA THIS WORLD!

Well, I'm off to create invoices for the new orders coming in! Wooop Woooop!
BRING IT ON, 2015!!

Cave-Momma, Feral Child & the Blogging B*